This afternoon I woke up to a cup of coffee just like any other day, with my sleepy eyes and still-loading mind I sat on my favourite chair and start reading news to catch up all information I missed while sleeping the whole day (well, technically it's just half a day). I was browsing through the news when something caught my attention and this time it's different; it's not women 😆, it was an article written anonymously bringing up an issue that has been around for ages. what was that may you ask? that was the problematic issue where children have to learn and pass EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT in school.

Now take your time to remember when you were in school when it came to the end of each semester that would be the time your parents got the result report of your study during that semester. It was all-time best horror for me though, why? because when parents found just one red mark in it your life would basically be over. Your freedom would be taken away unless you corrected your failure. See? this problem has been, is being, and will be around for years and years to come, why? Because of us still believing that getting perfect grades for all subjects means success in life.

We have to admit that our way of seeing education is still primitive and rigid as well. Let say we shift our mindset, try to think why should we force the children to focus on what they can't achieve? Sure, giving up is coward but they should know when to stop pursuing something that isn't destined to be theirs. Take for instance, why forcing children trying to perfect their grade on the subjects they are weak at when they can put their maximum effort into the ones they are strong at? Why make children taking a private lesson on Math when they are great in English? Shouldn't it be English private lesson? Imagine Michael Jackson parents forcing him to be a doctor then we wouldn't have the chance to witness the great king of pop, or if Freddie Mercury were forced to be an office employee then we would lose the best frontman ever in the history of rock music.

Just like Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid". This might be a small thing but it needs to be changed, parents should let their children develop on their own. Don't make them believe that they are a failure just because they can't do something, make them understand that to be great then they will have to befriend failure. Parents, from your hand our next big important people will be shaped. Think about it, small thing matters.  Ah, my coffee is getting cold I'll better be drinking it now, this is all just my opinion and the way I see this problem. What's yours? Cheers. WES
Tags: EducationOpinionWriting

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